
Retrieve the DOM elements matched by the jQuery object.

.get( index )Возвращает: Element

Описание: Retrieve one of the elements matched by the jQuery object.

  • Добавлен в версии: 1.0.get( index )

    • index
      Тип: Integer
      A zero-based integer indicating which element to retrieve.

The .get() method grants access to the DOM nodes underlying each jQuery object. If the value of index is out of bounds — less than the negative number of elements or equal to or greater than the number of elements — it returns undefined. Consider a simple unordered list:

<li id="foo">foo</li>
<li id="bar">bar</li>

With an index specified, .get( index ) retrieves a single element:

console.log( $( "li" ).get( 0 ) );

Since the index is zero-based, the first list item is returned:

<li id="foo">

Each jQuery object also masquerades as an array, so we can use the array dereferencing operator to get at the list item instead:

console.log( $( "li" )[ 0 ] );

However, this syntax lacks some of the additional capabilities of .get(), such as specifying a negative index:

console.log( $( "li" ).get( -1 ) );

A negative index is counted from the end of the matched set, so this example returns the last item in the list:

<li id="bar">

Примеры использования

.get()Возвращает: Array

Описание: Retrieve the elements matched by the jQuery object.

  • Добавлен в версии: 1.0.get()

    • This method does not accept any arguments.

Consider a simple unordered list:

<li id="foo">foo</li>
<li id="bar">bar</li>

Without a parameter, .get() returns an array of all of the elements:

console.log( $( "li" ).get() );

All of the matched DOM nodes are returned by this call, contained in a standard array:

[<li id="foo">, <li id="bar">]

Примеры использования